Description Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) 5 seeds (#2225)
Adenium obesum, commonly called desert rose, is a thick-stemmed sparsely-leaved perennial succulent that is native to semi- arid, sub-Saharan regions of eastern and southwestern Africa plus the Arabian peninsula. In the wild, this plant will eventually rise to 2.5 m, but in container will grow much smaller.
A unique in the form and beautifully flowering slow growing tree/shrub/ It looks like a miniature baobab tree and can be formed like a Bonsai tree.
Creates irregular massive trunk and strong shoots.
As houseplant flowers from April to September only.
Genus - Adenium
Species - Obesum
Common name - Desert Rose
Pre-Treatment - Not-required
Hardiness zones - (4 - 12
Height - 0,50 - 0,80 m
Plant type - Succulent shrub, small tree, indoor plant, bonsai
Vegetation type - Evergereen
Exposure - Full Sun
Growth rate - Slow
Water requirements - Average - low
Landscape uses - Indoor container plant, bonsai
Bloom season - April - September
Leaf / Flower color - Green / Dark red-rose
Start seeds by preparing a container with a well-draining growing medium, like a perlite or sand and soil mix.
Place the seed in the growing medium, just covering them with the growing medium. Water from below daily and from above once every three days until the seedlings appear.
Place the growing tray or container on a heating pad and keep the temperature of the growing medium at between +27 and +29C.
Seeds should germinate in 2-3 weeks.
Once the seedlings appear, water only from below.
Reviews about Desert Rose (Adenium Obesum) 5 seeds (#2225)
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