MAIDENHAIR TREE is a graceful, long-lived tree. The last living species of such ancient plants, it is therefore a completely unique and noteworthy plant.
There is not a single naturally seeded and growing ginkgo tree left. Everyone alive today was planted or otherwise cared for by humans. So it can be said that it is no longer part of the wild landscape.
Looking for MAIDENHAIR TREE seeds? Press HERE.
Maybe they know their time is up. Like its ancestors in traditional Chinese culture, ginkgo watches, guides and heals. He offers his wisdom and experience to modern humanity. However, the tree itself is too old and has not evolved enough to roam the modern forests on its own.
So welcome Ginkgo biloba to your garden. Let this quiet, gentle friend into your world or the world around you.
The ginkgo is a popular, graceful addition to the urban landscape. Due to its medicinal (memory-enhancing) properties, it is not forgotten either in natural, folk or traditional medicine. Its leaves, due to their graceful and unusual shape, bright yellow autumn color, are very popular with urban planners. The ginkgo turns gold as the weather cools, creating an absolutely stunning sight.
The trees grow in climate zones 4-9 (the whole of Lithuania is suitable for this) and are tolerant not only to greater cold, but also to droughts. You can plant ginkgo almost anywhere and expect it to grow well.
Let's take a look at this mysterious and beautiful tree and learn some of its unusual secrets.
1. An emblem of longevity
The tree is native to China, where these trees symbolically represent yin and yang. Popular due to its wide use in traditional Chinese medicine.
Often found in Buddhist monasteries. The trees were tended by Buddhist monks for centuries and spread with Buddhism to Korea and Japan.
The ginkgo leaf, because of its shape, is called "Buddha's nail". Perhaps the fact that Buddhist monks cultivated ginkgo trees was a major factor in the survival of the trees. In addition, even today, monks often use ginkgo wood when building monasteries and making furniture in them.
Since these trees can live for more than a thousand years, they are considered symbols of longevity and good health. The ginkgo leaf is used as a symbol of the Japanese Urasenke school of tea. The leaf symbolizes happiness and ever-expanding success. The fan-shaped leaves of ginkgo are believed to demonstrate the ever-expanding future unfolding before us.
Give ginkgo to an older relative for their birthday and wish them "100 years" of happiness!
2. Male trees
One of the most interesting facts is that urban planners use only male plants for ornamental growth and landscaping.
This is because the female produces a foul-smelling seed (or fruit). The fruit smells like old milk. This makes male plants look more attractive and suitable. This also stops their spread.
3. Resistant and strong
Ginkgo is one of the hardiest trees in the modern world. In fact, it is not difficult to find 100-year-old trees growing in cities - they are not affected by the polluted climate or poorer growing conditions.
Here's a "trivia" for you: maidenhair trees were the first trees to grow back after the atomic attack on Hiroshima! Six ginkgo trees survived the explosion and are still growing.
4. Unattractive to insects and birds
These trees are resistant to many insects because they avoid them due to the repellent toxins released by the plant. They also do not attract birds.
5. Tall or short
The ginkgo tree can grow up to 15 meters high in natural conditions, but with careful care and pruning, it becomes miniature. They are often chosen by bonsai lovers.
6. Ginkgo biloba heals
Some time ago, ginkgo became popular as a memory tonic. Although new research does not support this, ginkgo has significant benefits for Alzheimer's patients.
Interestingly, traditional medicine does not use ginkgo at all for memory problems. In Chinese medicine, it is primarily an herb for improving blood circulation. Only heat-treated ginkgo leaves are always used. They contain ginkgolide, which increases blood flow and brain function, reduces free radicals and reduces the risk of clotting. Ginkgolide content in leaves is highest in autumn.
Ginkgo can treat depression. Strengthens the body's anti-inflammatory function, which helps us cope with stress hormones and the emotional upset they cause.
Looking for MAIDENHAIR TREE seeds? Press HERE.