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Swedish whitebeam (Sorbus intermedia) 10 seeds (#823)
Model: #823
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The Swedish whitebeam is originally from Scandinavia and the Baltics. It is found in Europe in tempe..
Balsam Fir (Abies Balsamea) 20 seeds (#317)
Model: #317
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Balsam fir is a tall coniferous evergreen tree native to the northeastern fifth of the United States..
Oriental Arborvitae (Thuja Orientalis) 20 seeds (#11)
Model: #11
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It is a small, slow-growing tree, to 1,5-2,4 m tall and 0.5 m trunk diameter. The foliage forms in f..
Oriental Spruce (Picea Orientalis) 30 seeds (#277)
Model: #277
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Many consider this one of the loveliest of all spruces. Oriental spruce is a hardy coniferous evergr..
Eastern Arborvitae Pyramidal (Thuja Occidentalis pyramidalis) 40 seeds (#546)
Model: #546
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It is likely that no native American evergreen is more prevalent in the North American landscape. Ar..
Medlar (Mespilus Germanica) 5 seeds (#40)
Model: #40
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The common Medlar (Mespilus germanica) is a slow growing, large deciduous shrub or small tree growin..
Blue Spruce (Picea Pungens Glauca) 20 seeds (#245)
Model: #245
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Colorado blue spruce is a medium to large pyramidal evergreen conifer native to the southern Rocky M..
Chinese Dogwood (Cornus Kousa Chinensis) 10 seeds (#467)
Model: #467
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Kousa dogwood is an excellent small specimen tree. Two outstanding characteristics are the four-peta..
Dwarf Mugho Pine (Pinus Mugo Pumilio) 20 seeds (#526)
Model: #526
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Spreading its dark green foliage into low, billowy mounds, the Pumilio Group of mugho pine provides ..
English Yew (Taxus Baccata) 20 seeds (#557)
Model: #557
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Cultivated in gardens for hundreds of years, English yew is a variable evergreen tree or large shrub..
Mountain Hemlock (Tsuga Mertensiana) 10 seeds (#669)
Model: #669
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Mountain hemlock, an evergreen tree, grows up to 150 ft. tall in the wild, but is usually 20-60 ft. ..
Mountain Pine (Pinus Mugo Mughus) 15 seeds (#386)
Model: #386
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Boulders and alpine plants look at home when in the presence of a mugho pine. This species is a dens..
Boxwood (Buxus Sempervirens) 15 seeds (#17)
Model: #17
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Common box is a dense, rounded broadleaf evergreen shrub grown for its glossy green foliage and neat..
Mountain Pine (Pinus mugo rotundata) 20 seeds (#791)
Model: #791
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One of three varieties of mountain pine. Naturally occurring in the Eastern Alps and the Northern Ca..
Strawberry Tree (Arbutus Unedo) 20 seeds (#487)
Model: #487
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The elegant strawberry tree is best distinguished by its highly ornamental fruits that turn from gol..
Olive Tree (Olea Europaea) 10 seeds (#169)
Model: #169
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European olives (Olea europaea), also known as olive trees, belong to the Oleaceae family. It origin..
Japanese Fir (Abies Firma) 15 seeds (#532)
Model: #532
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The wood of the momi fir is light colored and traditionally used to make coffins in its native Japan..
Alpine Fir (Abies Lasiocarpa) 15 seeds (#425)
Model: #425
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Very tall and narrow in form, subalpine fir looks like a green church spire. A cone-bearing evergree..
Paperbark Maple (Acer Griseum) 5 seeds (#117)
Model: #117
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Paperbark maple is a small, oval to rounded deciduous tree native to central China. It has distincti..
Mixture (Exotic Palm) 5 seeds (#1966)
Model: #1966
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A mixture of palm trees for cultivation in containers with feathery, fan-shaped or pinnate leaves.In..

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